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Hangouts Chat

By connecting a DialoX bot to Hangouts Chat, it is possible to have conversations between Hangouts Chat users and your bot. To do this, you need to connect the bot to a Google Project and enable the Hangouts Chat API


Follow these steps to connect your bot to Hangouts Chat:

  1. In order to interact with your bot on Hangouts Chat, you need to create a new Google cloud project and enable the Hangout Chats API for it.

  2. Enable the API and download the Service Account JSON file.

  3. In the DialoX studio, go to Settings → Connect → Hangouts Chat and click "Connect to Hangouts Chat".

  4. On the next screen, paste the contents of the JSON file that you downloaded earlier, and click "Connect".

  5. Finally, in your Google Project, under the Hangouts Chat API settings, set the webhook URL to the one you see in DialoX.

Supported elements

  • text messages, with quick replies
  • images
  • buttons template
  • generic template